Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church Cemetery, Anderson Co., South Carolina, United States

Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church Cemetery

Latitude: 34.71800, Longitude: -82.57610


 Thumb Description Status Location Name (Died/Buried)
James Anderson Cason and Theresa Pickel Cason
James Anderson Cason and Theresa Pickel Cason
James (1811 - 1891)

Theresa (1813 - 1897)
Located    CASON, James Anderson (d. 31 Dec 1891)
PICKEL, Theresa (d. 13 Jan 1897)
John Theodore Cason and Mattie Mary Mullikin Cason
John Theodore Cason and Mattie Mary Mullikin Cason
John (1848 - 1898)

Mattie (1863 - 1961) 
Located    CASON, John Theodore (d. 14 Jul 1898)