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Roger Cook Scoville's Military Information
Roger Cook Scoville's Military Information
Owner of original:
Samuel L. Millett
Samuel L. Millett
This document was sent to Bowdoin College for their records by F.B. Streeter, Librarian of Fort Hays Kansas State College, for the records that they maintain on every student who has graduated Bowdoin.
Owner of original: Bowdoin College Archives
Date: 22 Feb 2016
Steve Danilavez' Death Certificate
Steve Danilavez' Death Certificate
The Birth Date of Francis Marion Brown
The Birth Date of Francis Marion Brown
When was "Shanghai" Brown born? Read about this mystery!
Owner of original: Michael Pickel
Date: November 2009
The Will of (Hans) Jacob Broyles
The Will of (Hans) Jacob Broyles
Will was written 3 Nov. 1761 and proved in court on 19 May 1761.
Transfer from U.S. Hospital, Chester, Pennsylvania to Point Lookout prison
Transfer from U.S. Hospital, Chester, Pennsylvania to Point Lookout prison
This documents the transfer of Marcellus Franklin Broyles and Erasmus R. Broyles from the U.S. Hospital in Chester, Pennsylvania to the Union Army prison at Point Lookout, Maryland on October 3, 1863. This suggests that uncle and nephew may have known one another even though they were in different military organizations.
Wedding Announcement - Billy Guinn and Barbara Manning
(At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
Owner of original: Michael Pickel
Will of David Ingram, Sr. (1768 - 1828)
Will of David Ingram, Sr. (1768 - 1828)
This is a transcription of the will
Will of Isaac Waters
Will of Isaac Waters
This was transcribed from someone else's transcription. I have simply broken it into paragraphs in order to simplify the reading. The various spellings of the last name as Waters or Warters is as it was found in the source from which I typed.
Owner of original:
Will of James Cain Broyles
Will of James Cain Broyles
Beneficiaries included his wife Jessica Victoria Broyles, his son, Nash Broyles, and his daughter, Lua Broyles.
Owner of original:
Will of James Edmundson (1750 - 1799) Wayne County, North Carolina
Will of James Edmundson (1750 - 1799) Wayne County, North Carolina
Will of Johan Peter Sturm (aka Peter Storm)
Will of Johan Peter Sturm (aka Peter Storm)
Owner of original: Ann Guinn Adamson
Will of Robert Woodson
Will of Robert Woodson
Owner of original:
Will of Washington Ezekiel Ingram
Will of Washington Ezekiel Ingram
This will was signed 26 March, 1878 and has two codicils added to it.
Will of William Bartlett
Will of William Bartlett
This will was written April 26, 1762 shortly before William Bartlett died on May 8, 1862.
Will of William Brown (1803 - 1845)
Will of William Brown (1803 - 1845)
Will of William Francis Marion Brown
Will of William Francis Marion Brown
William Chesley Pickle's Seed Planter and Fertilizer Spreader
William Chesley Pickle's Seed Planter and Fertilizer Spreader

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