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Dr. George Reese Brown and his second wife, Maria Louisa Horton Brown
Dr. George Reese Brown and his second wife, Maria Louisa Horton Brown
Founder of Belton, Anderson County, South Carolina
Dr. Gurley H. Sanders Proclamation
Dr. Gurley H. Sanders Proclamation
After Dr. Sanders had served the community of Kerens, Texas, for 40 years, the mayor proclaimed a special day as "DR. SANDERS DAY."
Owner of original: Sharon Kinsey
Dr. Toyya Kinsey's Medical Practice Sign
Fort Worth, Texas, 2002
(At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
Owner of original: Sharon Kinsey
Date: 2002
Earl Augustus Broyles (1883 - 1950)
Earl Augustus Broyles (1883 - 1950)
Taken around the time of his father's death in 1887
Owner of original: Frances Broyles
Earl Augustus Broyles at age 16
Earl Augustus Broyles at age 16
Owner of original: Frances Broyles
Eddie G. McCall and Nancy Crecelius McCall
Picture taken in New Orleans before Hurricane Katrina.
(At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
Owner of original: Nancy Crecelius McCall
Place: New Orleans, Louisiana
Edgar A. Bartlett
Edgar A. Bartlett
(1900 - 1964)
Owner of original:
Edward Goodrich
(At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
Date: 23 Mar 2012
Elisha Moses Perry Holland (1838 - 1907)
Elisha Moses Perry Holland (1838 - 1907)
Husband of Charity Elizabeth Pickle Holland
Elizabeth Murphey Pickle and Crawford Wilson Pickle
Elizabeth Murphey Pickle and Crawford Wilson Pickle
Owner of original: History of the William Pickle Family
Elmer Lee Evans and Lula Emma Lewis Evans
Elmer Lee Evans and Lula Emma Lewis Evans
Elmer (1896-1978)
Lula (1896-1986)
Owner of original:
Emma Irene Beene Adamson
Emma Irene Beene Adamson
(1894 - 1981)
Erasmus R. Broyles
Erasmus R. Broyles
Erasmus R. Broyles
Erasmus R. Broyles
Eugene Terrill Kingsley
Eugene Terrill Kingsley
1842 - 1861
Evan Thomas Stafford
Evan Thomas Stafford
Owner of original: IMDb
Family Gathering, Thanksgiving Day, 2001
Front l-r: Alyssa Ann Baker, Toyya Selah Kinsey, Sharon Lynn Baker Kinsey, Theora Agnes Coates Baker

Back l-r: Timothy Brian Baker, Jarrod Shane Kinsey, Silvia Ann Denton Baker, Timothy Coates Baker
(At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
Owner of original: Sharon Kinsey
Date: Thanksgiving, 2001
Family Gathering, Thanksgiving Day, 2001
Front l-r: Alyssa Ann Baker, Toyya Selah Kinsey, Theora Agnes Coates Baker

Back l-r: William Rodney Kinsey, Timothy Brian Baker, Jarrod Shane Kinsey, Silvia Ann Denton Baker, Timothy Coates Baker
(At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
Owner of original: Sharon Kinsey
Date: Thanksgiving, 2001
Family of Bruce Burton Coates and Sarah Theressa Ingram Coates in 1894
Family of Bruce Burton Coates and Sarah Theressa Ingram Coates in 1894
Adults (l-r): Sarah, Bruce

Children (l-r): Anderson Bruce Coates, Ray Ingram Coates, Lena Theressa Coates
Owner of original: Sharon Kinsey
Family of Charles Timothy McConnico and Sybil Antionette Ingram McConnico
Family of Charles Timothy McConnico and Sybil Antionette Ingram McConnico
Left to right:
Sarah Theressa Ingram (youngest sister of Sybil),
Ida Missie McConnico,
Charles Timothy McConnico,
Cora Mozell McConnico (on stool in front of her father),
Sybil Antoinette Ingram McConnico,
Elizabeth (Bessie) McConnico (in front of her mother)
James Washington McConnico,
Jessie Helvetia McConnico
Date: about 1881
Place: Rural Shade, Henderson County, Texas
Family of Chesley Robert Pickle
Family of Chesley Robert Pickle
Back row: Bud, Carra, Webb
Front row: Robert, Chesley, Molly, and Floyd
Family of Elisha Moses and Charity Elizabeth Pickle Holland
Family of Elisha Moses and Charity Elizabeth Pickle Holland
Top: Cora P. Holland (Williams), Leah Virginia (Lee) Holland (Mathis), Mary M. Holland, Charles Murphy Holland

Sitting: Sam Mathis, Aaron Elisha Holland, Elisha Moses Holland, Allen Williams Holland, and Charity Elizabeth Pickle Holland.

Note: Their 4th child, Margaret, had died in 1884.
Date: about 1888
Family of Floyd and Annie Pickle
Back row left to right: Lawrence C. Pickle (family called him L.C.), Mary Bob Pickle Garrison, Clabern Pickle, Charlotte Hazel Pickle Crecelius, Floyd Edwin Pickle, Dardanella Pickle (Floyd Edwin's wife)
Seated on the couch left to right: Mildred Louise Pickle, Blanche Pickle (wife of Lawrence C. Pickle), Beatrice Couch Pickle (wife of Clabern)…
(At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
Owner of original: Nancy Crecelius McCall
Family of James and Emily Beene
Family of James and Emily Beene
Top (l to r) William Andrew Beene, Mary Belle Beene

Seated James K Polk Beene and Emily Baty Beene
Family of Lynn and Theora Baker
Sharon Lynn Baker, Lynn Henderson Baker, Theora Agnes Coates Baker, & Selah Baker in front of Theora.

Taken in Magnolia Park, Beaumont, Texas in 1953
(At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
Owner of original: Sharon
Date: 1953
Family of Lynn Henderson Baker and Theora Agnes Coates Baker
back l-r: Lynn Henderson Baker, Jarrod Shane Kinsey, William Rodney Kinsey

front l-r: Selah Baker, Timothy Coates Baker, Theora Agnes Coates Baker, & Sharon Lynn Baker
(At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
Owner of original: Sharon Kinsey
First Day in School
Henry Edward Goodrich and Olivia Kinsey Goodrich, grandchildren of Rodney and Sharon Kinsey
(At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
Owner of original: Sharon Kinsey
Date: 3 Sep 2013
Flavius Onderdonk Broyles
Flavius Onderdonk Broyles
(1894 - 1962)
Owner of original: Richard Duran
Floyd Bristow Pickle and Charlotte Annie Brown Pickle
Floyd Bristow Pickle and Charlotte Annie Brown Pickle
This picture was taken before 1952. In early 1952 Floyd had a stroke that left him bed-ridden until his death in 1957.
Owner of original: Nancy Crecelius McCall
Frances Holland King and Rev. Robert King
Frances Holland King and Rev. Robert King
Frances (1794 - 1873)
Robert (1791 - 1879)

Robert and Frances raised a family of twelve sons and daughters, all of whom were members of the Church of the same faith as their parents, and were "upright and exemplary men and women, making useful and respected citizens in the various walks of life."
Owner of original: Find a Grave
Frances Rose Danilavez Gallagher
Frances Rose Danilavez Gallagher
(1928 - 2003)
Owner of original: The Laredo Morning News, 1/4/2003
Francis Marion 'Shanghi' Brown
Francis Marion "Shanghi" Brown
Date: abt 1898
Place: Texas
Frank Broyles
(1924 -

Most known for his roles as Head Football Coach and Athletic Director at the University of Arkansas.
(At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
Franklin 'Frank' Welborn Pickel
Franklin "Frank" Welborn Pickel
(1864 - 1922)
Owner of original: History of University of Arkansas
Date: Published in 1910
Frazier Thomas Manning
Frazier Thomas Manning
(1902 - 1955)
Owner of original: Ann Guinn Adamson
Frazier Thomas Manning as an infant
Frazier Thomas Manning as an infant
On the back of the baby picture:
Fraizer Thomas Manning
May 23
North Carolina
Owner of original: Ann Guinn Adamson
Gathering at the home of Tulula Pickle Rhodes
Gathering at the home of Tulula Pickle Rhodes
Owner of original: Barbara Pike
Date: about 1919
Place: Pert, Anderson County, Texas
31.9225, -95.542
Genealogy from Family Bible of Roswell Erasmus Kingsley and Josephine 'Nanny' Worley Kingsley
Genealogy from Family Bible of Roswell Erasmus Kingsley and Josephine 'Nanny' Worley Kingsley
Owner of original: Randy Dellinger
Genevieve M. Brown
Genevieve M. Brown
Owner of original: Ancestry. com ("U.S., School Yearbooks, 1880-2012"; Year: 1949)
Genevieve M. Brown Bryant
Genevieve M. Brown Bryant
Wife of Billy Joe Bryant
Owner of original: Find A Grave
Genevieve Maxine Brown Bryant
Genevieve Maxine Brown Bryant
(1932 - 2016)
Owner of original: Find A Grave
George Alexander Storm and Emily Moore Storm
George Alexander Storm and Emily Moore Storm
Owner of original: Find-a-Grave
George Middleton Westbrook
George Middleton Westbrook
(1844 - 1925)
Georgia Regan Broyles and Thomas J. Broyles
Georgia Regan Broyles and Thomas J. Broyles
Owner of original: Steve Lewis
Grief Horton
Grief Horton
1783 - 1875
Group of Four Pickells
Group of Four Pickells
Left to right: Belle Mahon Pickell, Aunt Mary Wilson, Dollie Pickell, Walter Leland Pickell, Sr.
Hattie Ann Moore Burgoon
Hattie Ann Moore Burgoon
Wife of Oscar Lee Burgoon

On back of picture:
Mother of Mary Maurine Burgoon Manning
Owner of original: Ann Guinn Adamson
Helena Goodrich
(At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
Date: 23 Mar 2012

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